A cross-section of various customer feedbacks.
Note: the names have been anonymised.
“For two years I went from one doctor to another, no one could help me. I could no longer sit, stand or lie down. I had such severe back pain. After just 3 treatments the pain had greatly reduced and after 10 treatments I am now permanently free of pain and feel like a new person!” Manuela
“I had sleepless nights, so many thoughts were running through my head. I just could not switch off. After only 4 treatments, I can sleep through the night again and I notice how my strength is slowly coming back.” Danielle
“I was burnt out and exhausted. After a few treatments I now have a clear focus again and I know how to take care of myself.” Simone
“I am regularly thrown off track. It usually starts with an upset stomach and then I am knocked out for several days. Reiki supports me preventively. I look forward to every treatment, they are so relaxing and do me good.” Peter
“I have an autoimmune disease. After just a few treatments, in consultation with my doctor, I was able to reduce my medication. I feel much better and stronger. I have taken the Reiki course and treat myself regularly. It does me so good.” Leonie
“I love swimming so much. Unfortunately, I could no longer do this sport because I had severe back pain. After 6 treatments I could move safely again and after 10 times I dared to go into the water again and trusted my body.” Judith
“I was in Asia on a long trip when I became very ill. Fever, aching limbs and diarrhoea. The doctor prescribed me the usual medication. Thanks to a tip from a good friend, I chose distance Reiki treatment. My symptoms subsided quickly and I did not have to take the medication. Now I would like to take the Reiki course.” Susanne
“I had no energy, I was looking for a job but all my applications were declined. I was really down. After only 3 Reiki treatments I felt like a new person, I had a good feeling and new doors automatically opened for me in the working world.” Rolf
“I am allergic and get a severe skin rash at regular intervals. After the first Reiki treatment, several parts of my body ached alternately the following evening, something I was unfamiliar with. I knew then that Reiki had triggered something in me in a good sense and that I was on the right path. After further treatments, my skin became better and better and the pain subsided. I can proudly show myself in a bikini again today.” Lena
“I had such back pain that I could hardly turn in bed. In addition, I am in the menopause and my legs are often very hot. Standing for long periods of time gave me a lot of trouble. With each Reiki treatment, my health improved. After only 4 treatments I noticed that the pain level had halved. After 10 treatments I am now free of pain and go to gym class regularly again.” Rosella
“Two years ago I made the decision to live more consciously and mindfully. That is why I was interested in the alternative treatment method Jikiden Reiki and I spontaneously booked a treatment. Now I regularly schedule Reiki as a preventive health care in my calendar. It simply does me good.” Frank
“I was constantly plagued by headaches. I had been taking painkillers regularly until I realised that it could not go on like this. After a few treatments the pain subsided and now it does not come back at all.” Bruno
“I had an inherited disorder that went back generations. Every doctor told me it was not curable. After years of trying several treatments, I learned about Jikiden Reiki, and my symptoms subsided more and more with each treatment. I was so excited that I completed the Reiki courses and now treat myself regularly.” Claudia
“I have claustrophobia (fear of narrow, small or enclosed places). Through the regular mental Reiki treatments I become calmer and the fear fades more and more. I dare to do things today that I did not dare to do years ago.” Andreas