Hygiene protection – Treatments
This proven protection concept continues to be applied and serves to protect the client and therapist.
Most of the points listed are standards hygiene measures at Sawah and are of course always applied even without a pandemic.
- The studio covers 60 m2 with a ceiling height of 3.20 m
- The studio is occupied by a maximum of 2 therapist / client
- Continuous room air disinfection by electric diffuser with essential oils
- Regular disinfection of surfaces and door handles
- Regular ventilation of the studio after each treatment
- Sterilium and masks are available
- Toilet/lavabo with soap and disposable tissues are available
- Automatic door opening at the main entrance
- Studio door is open on client arrival
- Regular change of laundry after each treatment
- Coloured laundry is washed 60° C, white laundry is washed at 90° C
THERAPISt / Client
- Keep a distance of at least 1.5 m during meeting
- Wearing a hygiene mask during the treatment
- Duty to hand washing and hand disinfection
- Hands are throughly cleaned with soap and sterilium before and after each treatment
- No direct body contact, treatment on clothed body
- A towel (Japanese Tenugui) is used for the head, hands and feet
- Treatment only in absolutely healthy condition
- Rejection of clients with flu symptoms
- Continuous air disinfection
- Regular disinfection of surfaces
- Frequent changing of laundry
- Treatment only in a healthy condition