Sawah Jikiden Reiki® Zurich

Jikiden Reiki® for Body and Mind

Holiday: We will be back on August 14

Jikiden Reiki for children

Jikiden Reiki can support children and teenagers and bring their body and mind into balance.

Children are physically active. They want to move and discover the world. Climbing a tree, trying out the bicycle, playing football or skiing. Unfortunately, this does not always work out and minor or major injuries occur. Jikiden Reiki is an effective, natural treatment method that can relieve pain quickly and effectively as well as actively support the healing process.

Children are inquisitive. They want to try out everything. It is important that they can come to rest and process what they have just learned. It is not always easy to find the right balance and it is often difficult for us adults as well. Jikiden Reki can balance hyperactivity and increase the ability to concentrate.

Babies need security and safety. Without human closeness, protection and attention, a baby cannot thrive. Crying, calling, clinging or seeking closeness are part of typical attachment behaviour. However, it can often be too much and the parents do not get any rest or deep sleep. Jikiden Reiki can balance the imbalance and allow relaxation for both parent and child.

Children respond very well to Reiki treatments. They intuitively feel that Reiki is good for them and are very open to it. When children are young, the healing process is shorter and particularly effective.

Jikiden Reiki can help with

  • Abrasions, bruises
  • Cuts
  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Insect bites
  • Toothache
  • Sore throat
  • Stomach ache
  • Lack of concentration
  • Hyperactivity, restlessness
  • Nervousness
  • Examination anxiety
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Sadness
  • And much more

Prices Jikiden Reiki

60 minutes CHF 130

Treatment incl. pre- and debriefing.